Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Role Reversal

Introduction “Role Reversal”
Parents that immigrate to the United States have their children well-being in mind. When they arrived to this country they face many challenges, one of which is to learn a new language (English). Unfortunately because of many circumstances the majority of these parents don’t get to learn the language and as an alternative they use their children as translators. However, these parents don’t realize that using a child as translators can cause stress in the child’s life and change their behavior toward the parents.


  1. first, i don't know why you put that after parents. What do you mean well-being in mind.second, you need to put a comma after country. Started the new sentence from One of which. The thesis statement is good but child should be sigual so you should use translator as a sigual.

  2. Hi, Brenda~! This is very very nice introduction. Usually, whenever I write introduction, general statement is often out of topic seriously. So, I spend lots of time on writing general statement. However, your general statement is very close to the topic and I could easily get interests in what you would say. I hope read your whole essay^^ Thank you~!
